Mornings can be hectic, but if you can manage a few quick tasks at the beginning of your day, the payoff will be a sense of calm and relaxation when you return home after a long workday.
1. Make your bed!
Mom’s advice was good then and it’s still valuable today. If you can manage to straighten the sheets and throw the duvet/blanket on, your total time investment will be 2 minutes, but the results will have a big impact. It doesn’t have to look perfect. The point is that when you retreat to your room at bedtime, instead of being confronted with a big mess, you’ll walk into a peaceful oasis.
2. Tidy the bathroom.
This room sees more action in the morning than any other, so it can quickly get messy. This is not the Marie Kondo type of tidying expecting you to dry off the shampoo bottle after use, but a little goes a long way. Hang up your towel, wipe the counter, put away the toothbrush, hairdryer, etc. This activity literally takes two minutes.
3. Wipe the kitchen counter & wash the breakfast dishes.
If you have a dishwasher, things just got much easier.Making dinner becomes more inspiring when the kitchen is clean & inviting and you don’t have to clean up first. This should take five minutes – tops.
The key to a well-organized space is maintenance. Which option sounds more exhausting? Pick up and put away items as you go, or spend hours cleaning a huge mess? Do the quick, frequent tidy and you’ll thank yourself at the end of the week.